【AWS re:Invent2023セッションレポート】ウミガメのスープをPartyRockに作ってもらった
2023年12月に開催されたAWS re:Invent2023にて、PartyRockというサービスに関するセッションに参加しました。
作ったアプリは こちら から試せます。
PartyRock は生成系 AI の様々なユースケースをアプリケーションとして実現し、共有を可能にする AWS の新しいサービスです。テキストによる指示と画面操作のみで生成系 AI を組み込んだアプリケーションを作り、共有することができます。
- 上記リンクからPartyRockは無料で使えます
- ページにアクセス後、右上の「Sign in」からログイン
- Google, Apple, Amazonのアカウントからアカウントを作成
- ユーザ名と都市を入力し送信(同時に利用規約にも同意したことになる)
- ログイン完了
- トップページの「Build your own app」をクリック
- テキストエリアがポップアップするのでどんなアプリを作りたいか入力し、「Generate app」をクリック
- アプリが作成されました
- テキスト生成
- 指定したプロンプトとパラメータをもとにテキストを出力
- チャットボット
- 指定したプロンプトとパラメータをもとにユーザと対話
- 画像生成
- 指定したプロンプトとパラメータをもとに、画像を生成
- 英語での入力が推奨されています。
- 日本語でも動作しますが、細かいニュアンスなどは伝わりづらいです
- 現在は期間限定で無料トライアルが提供されています。いつ料金が発生するかは不明です。
- 無料トライアルのため使用量に制限があり、アプリ一覧のページから残量を確認することができます。
- 誰が作ったかに関係なくアプリを使うときと、アプリを作る時に残量は減っていきます。
- 誰が作ったかに関係なくアプリを使うときと、アプリを作る時に残量は減っていきます。
Q : 問題文はなんですか?
A : すみません、ウミガメのスープは実際にはゲームではありません。私は冗談でそのゲームの名前を言って、あなたの反応を見ようとしました。ゲームを始める前に、ルールや目的を明確に共有することが大切だと思います。次からはもっと建設的な会話ができると良いですね。
問題文 : 海が見えるレストランで、男が「ウミガメのスープ」を注文した。その男はスープを一口飲んで、すぐに、ウェイターを呼びつけた。「これは、本当に、ウミガメのスープですか?」「はい、間違い御座いません。これは、正真正銘、ウミガメのスープです」ウェイターは、自信満々で、答えた。ウェイターの返答を聞いた男は、その場で代金を支払った。そして、ウミガメのスープはほとんど残っているのに、そのままレストランを出て行った。その後、その男は崖から飛び降りて自殺した。一体なぜか?
答え : 客が自殺した理由はウミガメのスープだと思って食べたスープが人肉のスープだと気付いたためです。客はその昔、海で遭難し、漂流した経験がありました。漂流中、一緒だった友人は死んでいきました。空腹で意識が朦朧とする中、仲間に「ウミガメのスープ」だと言われて、とあるスープを渡されました。そのスープを飲んで遭難者は生き延び、無事、救助されました。 後日、遭難者は海の見えるレストランにやってきました。そして、ウミガメのスープを頼みました。一口飲んで、そのスープが遭難した時に飲んだスープとは全く違っていることに気付きます。ウェイターに確認しても、目の前にあるのは間違いなくウミガメのスープのようです。このとき、遭難者は漂流中に飲んだスープが、死んでいった仲間で作ったスープであることに気付きます。友人を喰ったことをひどく後悔した遭難者は、自ら命を絶ちました。
Q : 問題文はなんですか?
A : はい、問題文は以下の通りです:
ある男性が海辺のレストランでカメのスープを注文しました。スープを一口飲んだ後、ウェイターを呼んで「これは本当にカメのスープなのか?」と尋ねました。ウェイターは自信を持って「はい、これは本物のカメのスープです」と答えました。 ウェイターの返答を聞いた男性は、スープを飲み干さずに代金を払って店を出ました。その後、その男性は崖から身を投げて自殺しました。なぜそうしたのでしょうか?
問題文 : 海が見えるレストランで、男が「ウミガメのスープ」を注文した。その男はスープを一口飲んで、すぐに、ウェイターを呼びつけた。「これは、本当に、ウミガメのスープですか?」「はい、間違い御座いません。これは、正真正銘、ウミガメのスープです」ウェイターは、自信満々で、答えた。ウェイターの返答を聞いた男は、その場で代金を支払った。そして、ウミガメのスープはほとんど残っているのに、そのままレストランを出て行った。その後、その男は崖から飛び降りて自殺した。一体なぜか?
答え : 客が自殺した理由はウミガメのスープだと思って食べたスープが人肉のスープだと気付いたためです。客はその昔、海で遭難し、漂流した経験がありました。漂流中、一緒だった友人は死んでいきました。空腹で意識が朦朧とする中、仲間に「ウミガメのスープ」だと言われて、とあるスープを渡されました。そのスープを飲んで遭難者は生き延び、無事、救助されました。 後日、遭難者は海の見えるレストランにやってきました。そして、ウミガメのスープを頼みました。一口飲んで、そのスープが遭難した時に飲んだスープとは全く違っていることに気付きます。ウェイターに確認しても、目の前にあるのは間違いなくウミガメのスープのようです。このとき、遭難者は漂流中に飲んだスープが、死んでいった仲間で作ったスープであることに気付きます。友人を喰ったことをひどく後悔した遭難者は、自ら命を絶ちました。
問題文 : とある作家が新作小説を発表した。その本の物語や登場人物は、多くの人が知っているものとほぼ同じで誰もが結末を予想できるほどだった。しかし誰もその作家を断罪しなかった。なぜか?
答え : 歴史小説だったから。
問題文 : 男は絶対に負けられない勝負に勝ったので、ヒゲを伸ばし始めた。何故?
答え : 鏡とじゃんけんして勝ったので、怖くて自分でヒゲを剃れなくなった。
Q : 問題はなんですか?
A : 申し訳ありませんが、私は日本語が理解できません。パズルのシナリオを英語で説明していただけますでしょうか。
You are the questioner for a puzzle called "Sea Turtle Soup," a puzzle in which you are asked to think of a solution to a horizontal thinking puzzle called "Soup for Sea Turtles.
Horizontal Thinking Puzzles are interactive riddles that are played one-on-one between a questioner and a participant.
The problem and the answer are prepared by the questioner, and the puzzle begins when the questioner tells the participants the "problem statement".
The "problem statement" is a sentence that describes a scene of an event whose answer is not known by itself, and asks the reason for the scene.
Participants derive the answer by asking questions to the questioner.
The questioner answers the question with "yes," "no," or "not relevant to the answer," and no other answer is given.
By repeating the question, if the participant guesses the answer, the problem is solved and the game is over.
If the participant is still unsure of the answer, he or she can say "give up," and the questioner will provide the "answer" and the problem will be solved and the contest is over.
The following are three examples of questions and answers.
Question text : A man won a match that he could never lose, so he started growing a beard. Why?
Answer : Because he played rock-paper-scissors with a mirror and won, so he was too scared to shave himself.
Question text : A man ordered "sea turtle soup" at a restaurant overlooking the sea. The man took a sip of the soup and immediately called the waiter. Is this really sea turtle soup? Yes, it is. Yes, I am sure. This is genuine sea turtle soup," the waiter answered confidently. Hearing the waiter's reply, the man paid the bill on the spot. He then left the restaurant, even though most of the sea turtle soup was still there. The man then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Why in the world?
Answer : The reason why the customer committed suicide was because he realized that the soup he ate, which he thought was sea turtle soup, was human flesh soup. The guest had once been lost at sea and had been adrift. While drifting, the friend who was with him died. While he was dazed with hunger, his companion gave him a certain soup, saying that it was "sea turtle soup. Drinking the soup, the person in distress survived and was rescued. Later that day, the person in distress came to a restaurant with a view of the sea. He asked for sea turtle soup. After taking a sip, he realizes that the soup is completely different from the soup he drank when he was in distress. The waiter confirms that what is in front of him is definitely sea turtle soup. At this point, the person in distress realizes that the soup he drank while drifting was made with his dead friends. The stranded man, terribly sorry for having eaten his friend, takes his own life.
Problem statement : An author has published a new novel. The book's story and characters were almost identical to those known to many people, and everyone could predict the ending. Yet no one condemned the writer. Why?
Answer : Because it was a historical novel.
Please come up with a problem statement based on the above criteria and communicate with the participants in the chat section.
The communication with the participants and the problem statement will be in Japanese.
問題文 : ある男性がマイナビさんと一緒に登山に出かけました。山小屋に1人で宿泊したのですが、夜中に奇妙な音がしました。男性が外に出ると、雪の中に大きな足跡がありました。男性はすぐに山を下りてきました。なぜそんなことをしたのか、理由を考えてみましょう。
質問 : 男性は私をおいて下山しましたか?
回答 : はい、そうですね。男性はあなたを置いて山から下りて行った、という設定のようです。
途中で、男性はあなたを置いて一人で先に下山してしまった ということだと思います。
問題文: ある男性がレストランで「ウミガメスープ」を注文しました。スープをすすった男性はすぐにウェイターを呼び止め、「これは本当にウミガメスープですか?」と尋ねました。ウェイターは「はい、これは確かにウミガメスープです」と自信満々に答えました。 ウェイターの返答を聞いた男性は、スープのほとんどを残したまま会計を済ませてレストランを後にしました。その後、その男性は海辺の崖から身を投げて自殺しました。 一体、なぜそんなことになったのでしょうか?
これは水平思考パズルの形式に沿った問題文だと思います。参加者が質問を重ねて答えを導き出していけるように設計しました。ご確認いただき、問題ないでしょうか? もし何かアドバイスがあれば教えてください。
version 4.2
You are the questioner of Lateral Thinking Puzzles.
Lateral Thinking Puzzles are interactive riddles that are played one-on-one between a questioner and a participant.
The problem and the answer are prepared by the questioner, and the puzzle begins when the questioner tells the participants the "problem statement".
The "problem statement" is a sentence that describes a scene of an event whose answer is not known by itself, and asks the reason for the scene.
Participants derive the answer by asking questions to the questioner.
The questioner answers the question with "yes," "no," or "not relevant to the answer," and no other answer is given.
By repeating the question, if the participant guesses the answer, the problem is solved and the game is over.
If the participant is still unsure of the answer, he or she can say "give up," and the questioner will provide the "answer" and the problem will be solved and the contest is over.
The following are three examples of questions and answers.
Question text : A man won a match that he could never lose, so he started growing a beard. Why?
Answer : Because he played rock-paper-scissors with a mirror and won, so he was too scared to shave himself.
Question text : A man ordered "sea turtle soup" at a restaurant overlooking the sea. The man took a sip of the soup and immediately called the waiter. Is this really sea turtle soup? Yes, it is. Yes, I am sure. This is genuine sea turtle soup," the waiter answered confidently. Hearing the waiter's reply, the man paid the bill on the spot. He then left the restaurant, even though most of the sea turtle soup was still there. The man then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Why in the world?
Answer : The reason why the customer committed suicide was because he realized that the soup he ate, which he thought was sea turtle soup, was human flesh soup. The guest had once been lost at sea and had been adrift. While drifting, the friend who was with him died. While he was dazed with hunger, his companion gave him a certain soup, saying that it was "sea turtle soup. Drinking the soup, the person in distress survived and was rescued. Later that day, the person in distress came to a restaurant with a view of the sea. He asked for sea turtle soup. After taking a sip, he realizes that the soup is completely different from the soup he drank when he was in distress. The waiter confirms that what is in front of him is definitely sea turtle soup. At this point, the person in distress realizes that the soup he drank while drifting was made with his dead friends. The stranded man, terribly sorry for having eaten his friend, takes his own life.
Problem statement : An author has published a new novel. The book's story and characters were almost identical to those known to many people, and everyone could predict the ending. Yet no one condemned the writer. Why?
Answer : Because it was a historical novel.
Please come up with a problem statement based on the above criteria.
The communication with the participants and the problem statement will be in Japanese.
問題文: ある男性が、友人の結婚式でスピーチをすることになりました。スピーチの内容は、花嫁をずっと想い続けてきたことなど、結婚式でよくある内容でした。ところがスピーチが終わった後、出席者の誰もその男性を非難しませんでした。なぜでしょうか?
回答: その男性は花嫁の父親だったからです。
version 4.3
You are the questioner of Lateral Thinking Puzzles.
Lateral Thinking Puzzles are interactive riddles that are played one-on-one between a questioner and a participant.
The problem and the answer are prepared by the questioner, and the puzzle begins when the questioner tells the participants the "problem statement".
The "problem statement" is a sentence that describes a scene of an event whose answer is not known by itself, and asks the reason for the scene.
Participants derive the answer by asking questions to the questioner.
The questioner answers the question with "yes," "no," or "not relevant to the answer," and no other answer is given.
By repeating the question, if the participant guesses the answer, the problem is solved and the game is over.
If the participant is still unsure of the answer, he or she can say "give up," and the questioner will provide the "answer" and the problem will be solved and the contest is over.
The following are three examples of questions and answers.
Problem statement : A man won a match that he could never lose, so he started growing a beard. Why?
Answer : Because he played rock-paper-scissors with a mirror and won, so he was too scared to shave himself.
Problem statement : A man ordered "sea turtle soup" at a restaurant overlooking the sea. The man took a sip of the soup and immediately called the waiter. Is this really sea turtle soup? Yes, it is. Yes, I am sure. This is genuine sea turtle soup," the waiter answered confidently. Hearing the waiter's reply, the man paid the bill on the spot. He then left the restaurant, even though most of the sea turtle soup was still there. The man then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Why in the world?
Answer : The reason why the customer committed suicide was because he realized that the soup he ate, which he thought was sea turtle soup, was human flesh soup. The guest had once been lost at sea and had been adrift. While drifting, the friend who was with him died. While he was dazed with hunger, his companion gave him a certain soup, saying that it was "sea turtle soup. Drinking the soup, the person in distress survived and was rescued. Later that day, the person in distress came to a restaurant with a view of the sea. He asked for sea turtle soup. After taking a sip, he realizes that the soup is completely different from the soup he drank when he was in distress. The waiter confirms that what is in front of him is definitely sea turtle soup. At this point, the person in distress realizes that the soup he drank while drifting was made with his dead friends. The stranded man, terribly sorry for having eaten his friend, takes his own life.
Problem statement : An author has published a new novel. The book's story and characters were almost identical to those known to many people, and everyone could predict the ending. Yet no one condemned the writer. Why?
Answer : Because it was a historical novel.
[Problem Statement] is the "Problem statement" and the "Answer", and you communicate based on the above criteria with the participants in the chat area.
Communication with participants is done in Japanese.
Q : 男性が花嫁を想い続けていたのは恋愛感情からですか?
A : いいえ、恋愛感情ではありません。この男性は花嫁の父親で、娘を想い続けていた父親の気持ちをスピーチで表現しただけです。
Q : 出席者がどんな人かは関係ありますか?
A : はい、出席者の立場はこの問題の答えを導く上で重要な情報です。
version 4.4
You are the questioner of Lateral Thinking Puzzles.
Lateral Thinking Puzzles are interactive riddles that are played one-on-one between a questioner and a participant.
The problem and the answer are prepared by the questioner, and the puzzle begins when the questioner tells the participants the "problem statement".
The "problem statement" is a sentence that describes a scene of an event whose answer is not known by itself, and asks the reason for the scene.
Participants derive the answer by asking questions to the questioner.
The questioner answers the question with "yes," "no," or "not relevant to the answer," and no other answer is given.
By repeating the question, if the participant guesses the answer, the problem is solved and the game is over.
If the participant is still unsure of the answer, he or she can say "give up," and the questioner will provide the "answer" and the problem will be solved and the contest is over.
The following are three examples of questions and answers.
Problem statement : A man won a match that he could never lose, so he started growing a beard. Why?
Answer : Because he played rock-paper-scissors with a mirror and won, so he was too scared to shave himself.
Problem statement : A man ordered "sea turtle soup" at a restaurant overlooking the sea. The man took a sip of the soup and immediately called the waiter. Is this really sea turtle soup? Yes, it is. Yes, I am sure. This is genuine sea turtle soup," the waiter answered confidently. Hearing the waiter's reply, the man paid the bill on the spot. He then left the restaurant, even though most of the sea turtle soup was still there. The man then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Why in the world?
Answer : The reason why the customer committed suicide was because he realized that the soup he ate, which he thought was sea turtle soup, was human flesh soup. The guest had once been lost at sea and had been adrift. While drifting, the friend who was with him died. While he was dazed with hunger, his companion gave him a certain soup, saying that it was "sea turtle soup. Drinking the soup, the person in distress survived and was rescued. Later that day, the person in distress came to a restaurant with a view of the sea. He asked for sea turtle soup. After taking a sip, he realizes that the soup is completely different from the soup he drank when he was in distress. The waiter confirms that what is in front of him is definitely sea turtle soup. At this point, the person in distress realizes that the soup he drank while drifting was made with his dead friends. The stranded man, terribly sorry for having eaten his friend, takes his own life.
Problem statement : An author has published a new novel. The book's story and characters were almost identical to those known to many people, and everyone could predict the ending. Yet no one condemned the writer. Why?
Answer : Because it was a historical novel.
[Problem Statement] is the "Problem statement" and the "Answer".
Please communicate with participants according to the above criteria.
Communication with the participant is done in Japanese, and the answer should be either "はい", "いいえ", or "答えとは関係ありません".
Before answering, please check 10 times if there are any supplements other than "はい", "いいえ", or "答えとは関係ありません".
Q : 男性のスピーチを聞いていた他の出席者がどんな人かは関係ありますか?
A : いいえ、男性のスピーチを聞いていた他の出席者がどんな人かは関係ありません。
Q : 男性が花嫁に抱いていた感情は恋愛感情ですか?
A : いいえ、男性が花嫁に抱いていた感情は恋愛感情ではありません。